Public actors


Public actors Our projects

Région Ile de France
In 2014, TCM developed a tool for calculating online family quotient which then makes it possible to publish a certificate directly on the website. Several versions were then produced, in particular in order to use API like France Connect or OpenENT. The Ile de France region also wanted to develop a back office allowing personnalization and better management of user journey.
Pôle Emploi
Pôle Emploi wanted to digitize its internal catalog of training courses available to employees. The catalog was previously only accessible in PDF format, TCM has transformed it into an interactive intranet. The aim was to allow simple management of training courses from a back office and to provide users with a simple experience, particularly in research.
Mairie de Paris
The Paris City Hall wanted to rethink its budget presentation site for 2015. The objective was to improve the ergonomics of this site and to make it easier for Internet users to use advanced search. In addition, a graphic overhaul was needed in order to be in line with new web trends.
Incit’financement is a crowdfunding platform supported by the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region, its objective is to encourage regional investments by putting financial players in touch with local entrepreneurs. Incit’financement wanted to redesign their platform to optimize the registration and monitoring process while implementing a white label technical architecture.