Health & Personal Services


Health & Personal Services Our projects

MG France
MG France is the first professional union of French general practitioners bringing together 96 departmental unions. Their IT tools, consisting of a membership management application and an institutional website, were aging. TCM has overhauled the entire site and applications aiming to improve the subscription process and the membership area.
Medic Global
Medic Global provides healthcare professionals with suitable buildings capable of hosting several different specialists. Medic Global asked TCM to develop an application allowing practitioners to manage their agenda while allowing customers to book their appointments online. The application integrates geolocation to assist the patient upon arrival at a center and ensure online and offline continuity.
Bien Vieillir en Île-de-France
Bien Vieillir en Ile de France is a social and medico-social cooperation group that now brings together 5 associations with complementary home help and care activities. TheCodingMachine was called upon to harmonize and digitize the different processes between the groups in order to gain efficiency. It was also about developing a mobile application allowing caregivers to perform diagnosis and follow-up.
Babilou offers nursery places throughout France. The Babilou Group asked TheCodingMachine to develop "BabiSérénité": an insurance subscription platform making it possible to compensate “unused” nursery days in the event of a sick child and in the need of sending a professional home.